====OPC-UA Example==== **OPC-UA** is an industrial protocol, designed to make a unified method of exchanging industrial data between systems. Most industrial recording systems support OPC-UA, along with a number of SCADA systems and HMIs. It isn't often supported directly in a sites PLCs, but protocol converters such as those provided by RedLion allow you to read OPC-UA data and write it into a huge range of PLCs and other pieces of industrial hardware. ===Viewing OPC-UA Data=== There are a variety of OPC-UA clients available and several of them are free (although most require you register on the creators website). We tend to use [[https://www.unified-automation.com/products/development-tools/uaexpert.html|UAExpert]] by Unified Automation - it's free, simple and highly compatible with a wide range of systems. Below is an example of connecting to a UA server... ===Adding a Server=== {{UAExpertUI.png}} Right-click the **Server List** at the top-right and choose **Add...** from the pop-up menu. {{UAExpertAddServer.png}} Double-click where it says 'Double-Click To Add Server'. {{UAExpertURL.png}} Enter the url in the form... opc.tcp://: For instance, if you're running an OPC-UA server on port 2244 on your local computer, you'd use **localhost:2244** as the address. This will //add the server to the list// but you'll still need to select //how// you'd like to connect to it. Open the new entry in your server list and navigate through the options below it until you find the real OPC-UA server (a single server might have several different OPC-UA services, and each of those can have different connection methods and authorisation schemes). When you've chosen the connection method and authentication you want to use (using the method marked as **None** - **None** is always simple - this means that you can connect without authentication), the window will close and the server will be added. ===Connecting=== The server has been **added**, but we aren't **connected**. Right-click the server and chose **Connect** to actually establish the connection. {{UAExpertConnect.png}} ===Browsing for Points=== Once connected, the **Address Space** list will fill in with the content of the UA server. You can navigate through folders (yellow) and objects (boxes) until you find the individual //tags// (green) that represent specific points of data. {{UAExpertNav.png}} Drag these green tags over to the **Data Access View** to see the values. They'll update automatically as the data changes.