====Admin. Lists==== The [[Administration Page|Administration page]] can take you to a number of lists of components such as [[contexts|contexts]], [[properties|properties]] or [[relationships|relationships]]. Each of these lists look and work in a very similar way. {{ardiadminguide:rellist.png}} You're shown an alphabetically-sorted list of the items. From here you can.... * Create a new item by clicking on the 'Add' button below the list, * Edit an existing item by clicking on the name of the item. * Duplicate an existing item by clicking on the 'duplicate' icon next to the item name. * Delete an existing item by clicking on the 'trash' icon next to the item name. * Search for an item by using the search control in the top-right of the page. ===Icons=== ^Icon^Action^ ||**Delete Item** \\ \\ Removes the item from the list permanently (you will be prompted to confirm this action)| ||**Duplicate Item** \\ \\ Creates a copy of this item with the same details but a different name. | ===Deleting=== On pressing the **delete** () button, you will be asked to confirm the action. ===Duplicating=== On pressing **duplicate** (), you will be taken to the normal editing window for the item. However, on pressing 'save', you will create a //new// item instead. This is very useful for copying items with a large number of options, such as [[properties|properties]]. ===Other Icons=== Some lists - such as the list of properties - will also include additional icons. These will be explained in the page describing that list. ===Used In=== This interface is used when maintaining your lists of.... * [[Managing Contexts|Contexts]] * [[Managing Drivers|Drivers]] * [[Managing Relationships|Relationships]] * [[Managing Properties|Properties]] * [[Managing Symbols|Symbols]] * [[Managing 3D Models|3D Models]], and * [[Managing Units of Measurement|Units of Measurement]]