====Alert Update Page=== This is the page used to create and edit alerts. {{alertedit.png}} ^Option^Description^ |Name|The name should be relatively short, but meaningful.| |Description|A longer description of the issue and possibly any guesses to its cause| |Type|Some alerts relate to a particular relationship - ie. an alert about low power will be associated with the //power supply// relationship. If one is appropriate, choose it here.| |Media|If the alert has troubleshooting instructions or can usually be resolved with documented instructions, choose those instructions here.| |Alert Based On|See Below| |Trigger Alert When|Hidden by default. See below| ===Alert Conditions=== There are two options for //Alert Based On// which control how your alert is generated. If the value for 'Alert Based On' is **A Data Source**, then the alert itself is being generated in your system. You can use [[data linking|data linking]] to connect your live or historical data to that point. This is ARDIs //preferred// method, as it makes historical replays of your information more accurate. If the option is **A Property Value**, then ARDI itself generates the alert by inspecting the incoming data values. This is //not// ideal, as historical alerts may not be available in all clients. ===Property Value Conditions=== When the option for //Alert Based On// is **A Property Value**, the 'Trigger Alert When' section will be available. Here, you can choose a property, a comparison and a number that must be met in order for the alert to be raised. ==Low Alarm Example== To raise an alert when a tank is starting to run out of liquid (ie. lower than 10%), you could create an alert that has the following options... ^Option^Value^ |Alert Based On|A Property Value| |Trigger (#1)|Level| |Trigger (#2)|Is Less Than| |Trigger (#3)|10| ==Deleting Alerts== Alerts can be deleted from the [[ardiadminguide:detail_alerts]] page, by pressing the trashcan icon next to the alert you'd like to dispose of.