====Asset Creation Page==== You create new assets from the Asset Creation Page. {{:ardiadminguide:assetcreation.png?400|}} You'll be asked to fill in the most critical pieces of information for your asset. Amongst those are the name, [[ardiuserguide:equipment_reference_numbers|ERN]], any identifying [[properties|properties]] and (optionally) the description for the asset. Finally, you'll be able to choose to base this asset from one of your [[templates|templates]], or to assign one or more [[types|types]]. Press **Create Asset** to build your new asset. ===What Happens Next=== If you don't choose a type or template for an asset, ARDI assumes you're creating an [[organisational asset|organisational asset]] - you'll be taken straight back to the [[diagram|diagram]]. If you've chosen one or more types, you'll taken to the [[detail_properties|property details]] page for the asset, to allow you to set any other [[properties|properties]] that might need to be added. If you've chosen to base your asset off a template, you'll be taken to a page where you can fill in additional details, such as what your asset connects to and what the unique identifiers are of any internal components.