====Managing Users==== You manage your list of [[users|users]] from the [[Administration Page|Administration page]]. The user list follows the same structure as all of the other [[admin lists|admin lists]] and can be used to add, modify and delete users from ARDI. Note that you should be aware that removing a user from //any// [[ARDI database|database]] when in [[Open Mode]] will result in that user being removed from //every// database. When in integrated mode, the user list can only be modified if you are editing the **default** database. For security reasons, it isn't available from others. ===Guest Mode=== Remember that if your ARDI site is already protected via a VPN, you can use [[Guest Mode|guest mode]] to allow all users [[Reader|reader]] access to your ARDI information. ===Adding New Users=== //Note that this only applies if you do not have any **authentication addins** available. Authentication addins run on top of the existing ARDI user system - most users will be added from the system that you are authenticating users against.// {{user_add.png}} The options for your new user include... ^Option^Description^ |Name|The name of your user. This is the //login name// they use to log in to ARDI.| |Email Address|The email address to use should ARDI need to contact the user (ie. with password reminders). Note that this is not required if you're using an authentication addin.| |Access Level|[[Reader]], [[Builder]] or [[Administrator]], as required.| |Password & Repeat|Enter the password for the user two times.| Once you hit **Add User**, their information is saved and they will be able to login to ARDI. ----- Next Section: [[administration page|The Admin Page]]