{{page>ardibasics:properties}} ===Property Flow=== The [[property flow]] system allows properties to appear on assets that are down-stream. It's one of the essential features of ARDI and is an extremely useful way of getting important information to users. ===Grouping Properties=== ARDI properties can be [[property groups|grouped]] into related properties - this makes it much simpler to navigate visualisation menus and helps differentiate the measurements on your different media types (ie. to tell the difference between **oil** temperature and **air** temperature). ===Administering Properties=== See the article [[Managing Properties|managing properties]] to see an example of how new properties are created, existing properties are edited, and useless ones removed. ===Status Display=== {{:ardiadminguide:propertiesstatus.png?600|}} Unique to the Properties list is the Status Display button. This button will take you to a page containing in-depth detail about to the chosen property. {{:ardiadminguide:statuspage.png?600|}}