====Response Gradients==== {{:ardiadminguide:gradientdisplay.png?600|}} //Response gradients are specific to ARDI-VE// When editing the [[display options|display options]] of a [[measurements|measurement]], you're given the option of changing the //gradient//. This controls what **colour** is assigned to what **value**. For example, when you are looking at hydraulic pressure, values under 100 may be bad, and values over 500 bad, while those in-between are fine. ARDI allows you to create a gradient (which is an image containing colours that slowly transition from one to another) to match those details. For example, at zero you can display dark blue, while at 100 you have light blue. 120 has dark green, while 450 has light green. By 500, you're solid red. This creates a smooth and //very// intuitive colour scheme for your properties when they are viewed in ARDI visualisations.