====Create a Predictive AI==== Please note that this feature is still under active development It's very important to note that **many events can not be predicted**. A predictive AI can only predict events that have some kind of repeatable pattern before the event happens. It's impossible to predict an event that is completely spontaneous or is caused by a source that we have no sensors for - such as human intervention. Once you've created an AI that detects a state or event, it //might// be possible to create an AI that **predicts** these events - that gives a short window of warning that it is likely to occur. This will be in the form of a confidence level - you'll get a value that is usually between -1 and 1 (although may pass those in extremes) that indicates how likely it is that the event is about to occur. {{:cognition:predictive_ai.png?400|}} You have two basic options for a predictive AI. ===Time Before Event=== The first is the **time before event** - how far in the future you'd like to be able to predict the event. For example, a value of //60 seconds// would give you one minute warning before the event occurs. As a rule, we suggest choosing a very small value to begin with. This has the best chance of being able to detect patterns of interest. Once you've proven that an event detector works with a 10-second warning, you can try it with longer time periods. Accuracy will fall off with longer times, and eventually will drop so low that the detector is useless, but its highly dependent on the speed of the underlying process. ===Trigger Event Period=== This controls the window of time that the AI scans. It **must** be smaller than the //Time Before Event// value. It determines the length of the 'detection window' used by the algorithm, and effectively the 'resolution' the AI works at. There's no single answer to what a good value looks like - it depends on the underlying process and the speed of events. A large value is great for detecting big, slow events, a small value is more sensitive to fast, subtle events. This is largely a tuning parameter - if an AI fails to detect a pattern with a very large value, you can try again with a very small value to see if a finer resolution picks up subtle details. ===Creating the AI=== Hit **Test AI** to create and test the AI. Note that it may take a little while before the test is available, as it has to create and train a new Artificial Intelligence before results can be shown.