====Navigation Menu==== When you left-click a [[channels|channel]] in Data Explorer, you'll usually open the **Navigation Menu**. {{ :dexplore:navmenu.png?200|}} This allows you to explore the channel further, by leaving your current dashboard and opening something new. If you've selected a single measurement channel, there are several choices you can make. Options marked as //Single Channel Only// will only appear when you've opened the navigation menu from left-clicking a single channel. Certain options are the opposite - only available for //Multi-Channel Only//. ===View Asset=== //Single Channel Only// This takes you to the dashboard of the asset that this channel belongs to. For example, if you are looking at a chart showing the power usage of every machine in your ARDI system, you can click on the bar in the [[Bar Chart|bar chart]] and choose 'View Asset' to be taken straight to that machine to discover what it's doing to consume so much power. ===By Itself=== //Single Channel Only// This is the opposite of 'View Asset' - it creates a new dashboard that has //only// the channel you selected. ===View Time Series=== //When viewing a live value// It creates a new dashboard showing the last half-hour of values for the channels you selected. ===View Live=== //When viewing a single time-series channel// It creates a new dashboard showing the live value of the channels you've selected.. ===Show All=== //Single Channel Only// This options creates a new dashboard showing the value of this property across //other assets//. When selected, this option opens up an additional menu, allowing you to choose exactly what other assets you'd like to include. For example, let's assume we've left-clicked on the **Power Usage** of **Power Meter A3**, which feeds power to some machines. ^Level 1^Level 2^Result^ |Inside...|Power Meter #3|Shows only the power meter - there aren't any other meters inside.| | |Distribution Board A|Shows power across all meters in the board| | |Building A|Shows power across all meters in the building| | |Site|Shows power across every power meter across the ARDI database| |By AC Power...|All|Shows the power use across everything wired to this power meter| | |Downstream|Shows only the power use of items that are fed from this meter| | |Nearby|Shows only those nearby items across the AC Power relationship (ie. the two nearest upstream and the two nearest downstream)| ===Compare Against=== //Single Channel Only// This lets you compare your chosen channel against one or more other channels. When you hover over this option, a popup menu will appear to allow you to choose which other channel you'd like to compare against. In //most// cases, this will open a [[Scatter Plot|scatter plot]] [[analytic|analytic]] page, comparing the two to one-another over time. If one of the points includes the word 'setpoint' or 'target' in its name, you'll instead open an [[X-Bar-R|x-bar-r chart]], assuming that you're checking how well the value is controlled. ===Report Style=== //Multi-Channel Only// This opens an analytic page, allowing you to compare values. These can include things like a scatter plot (only available if you've selected exactly two channels), a [[Parallel Coordinate Chart|parallel coordinate chart]], a [[heatmap|heatmap]] or a [[treemap|treemap]]. ===Also Show=== //Multi-Channel Only// This adds a new panel to the dashboard, showing an additional property. For example, when you're looking at the temperature in a number of rooms, you can then choose //Also Show// to add a new panel that displays the humidity, or air-conditioner status.