====Historical Data Dashboard==== Historical dashboards are almost identical to live dashboards, except for the different [[panels|panel]] [[panel types|types]]. Historical panels are made up of [[Line Chart|line charts]] and [[Discrete Chart|discrete charts]]. {{ :dexplore:data_explorer_live_view.jpg?400|}} Unlike live dashboards, historical dashboards don't update when new data arrives. However, you can refresh them whenever you like by using the //refresh// button in the [[header bar|header bar]]. You can also use the date controls in the top-right corner to change the dates and times you're looking at. ===Extra Time Controls=== {{:dexplore:sidecontrols.png?100 |}} When you're looking at historical rather than live data, there are a couple of additional controls that appear at the sides of the page. The left and right buttons move you forward by //your displayed range// (ie. if you're looking at a 24 hour period, you'll jump forward 24 hours). The plus and minus button will zoom you in to half your range, or zoom you out to double your range, based on the time at the center of your screen. (ie if you're looking at 9:00 to 11:00 and zoom in, you'll be looking at 9:30 to 10:30) ===Interaction=== Like in the live dashboard, you can interact with each of your panels to explore further. You can //hover// your mouse over most panels to find out more about the value shown underneath your cursor. As a basic rule, a **left-click** will allow you to discover more by moving to new dashboards, while a **right-click** is used to make changes to the //existing// dashboard.