====Work Order Detail Page==== This page displays the details of a single work order. {{:maintenance:workordermain.png?600|}} At a minimum, this will include the work order... * Name * Number * Status * Description * List of Assets. and * Media Items ===Editing a Work Order=== To make changes to the work order information, press the 'Edit' button located under the description of the order. This opens up the [[edit work order]] page. ===Changing Work Order Status=== To change the status of the work order, choose the new status from the drop-box located immediately above the **Change** button, found under the media list. Note that changing the status of a work order here will change the status in //all assets that are part of the order//. You can alternatively update the assets individually. Job Status is a property that [[feed-up properties|feeds up]] from the individual assets that are part of it, so this control is normally used to reset a job, or mark a job complete when the individual elements of the job were not marked that way. ===Adding Assets to a Work Order=== To add additional assets to a work order, start typing the assets name in the **Add Asset To Work Order/Task** control, found on the right hand side. Once suggestions appear, choose the asset you want to add. The page will update, showing the new asset. ===Removing an Asset from a Work Order=== Press the trash-can icon next to the name of the asset you would like to remove. ===Accessing the Page=== This page can be most easily accessed from the [[Work Orders Page]] or the [[Asset Maintenance Page]].