Work Order Detail Page

This page displays the details of a single work order.

At a minimum, this will include the work order…

Editing a Work Order

To make changes to the work order information, press the 'Edit' button located under the description of the order.

This opens up the Edit Work Orders page.

Changing Work Order Status

To change the status of the work order, choose the new status from the drop-box located immediately above the Change button, found under the media list.

Note that changing the status of a work order here will change the status in all assets that are part of the order. You can alternatively update the assets individually.

Job Status is a property that feeds up from the individual assets that are part of it, so this control is normally used to reset a job, or mark a job complete when the individual elements of the job were not marked that way.

Adding Assets to a Work Order

To add additional assets to a work order, start typing the assets name in the Add Asset To Work Order/Task control, found on the right hand side.

Once suggestions appear, choose the asset you want to add. The page will update, showing the new asset.

Removing an Asset from a Work Order

Press the trash-can icon next to the name of the asset you would like to remove.

Accessing the Page

This page can be most easily accessed from the Work Order List or the Asset Maintenance Page.