PI Asset Framework Driver


Loads live and historical data data from PI Historian via the Asset Framework.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live and History
Platforms:Windows Only

Driver Settings

ServerThe PI Asset Framework server to connect to
DatabaseThe name of the AF database you want to access
BaseThe name of the base of your AF hierarchy. This is prepended (ie. placed in front of) to all point names
UsernameThe name of a Windows or Active Directory user with permission to read Asset Framework data and PI points
PasswordThe matching password for the above username

Point Settings

Points are given simply as their Asset Framework point name. You can copy these point names directly from the PI System Explorer by right-clicking on an asset attribute and choosing “Copy Path”

Example: Drives/Main Conveyor Drive.Voltage_Phase_A

This will connect the ARDI point to the AF point with the same name. Note that if the driver configuration included a base of “Headquarters/Distribution Building”, the full path would be translated into Headquarters/Distribution Building/Drives/Main Conveyor Drive.Voltage_Phase_A


Available on the ARDI Downloads site for Windows servers.