Script Function Index - By Name


Activate - Activate an asset in the scene.
AddBeacon - Add a shaft of light to indicate an asset location.
AddImage - Add an image to the UI
AddLinkedPoints - Add a set of linked points forming a line.
AddMesh - Add a 3D model to the scene
AddParticle - Add a source of particles (liquid/gas/rock etc.) to the scene.
AddShape - Add a simple shape to the scene.
AddQuestion - Add a question to the questionnaire.
AddSubCamera - Add a sub-camera to the scene
AnimateProperty - Change a asset property over time.
AnimatePosition - Change an asset position over time


Behaviour - Enable or disable a behaviour. Internal use only
Block - Wait for all script steps to complete.


CameraLookAt - Turn the camera to look at a given object.
ClearQuestions - Clear all questions from the questionnaire.
Cleanup - Removes all created items from the script so far.


Deactivate - Deactivate an asset in the scene.
DisableVision - Prevent a property from being visible in vision modes.
DuplicateObject - Make a copy of an existing object.


EnableVision - Allow a property to be seen in vision modes.


Fade - Make an asset fade out.
FadeEverythingBut - Hide all assets except for a given one.
FadeFrom - Fade the whole screen from a colour.
FadeUntagged - Hide all assets not part of a given type.
FadeTag - Make all assets of a given type fade out.
FadeTo - Fade the whole screen to a colour.


Highlight - Add a border around an object to highlight it.
HighlightConnection - Highlight the flow path along a connection.
HideObject - Hide an asset or asset part.
HideRelationships - Remove any visible relationships


Indicators - Enable or disable 2D indicators
Indicator - Add a visible indicator to the scene.


LockRange - Lock the vision range.
LockCurrentRange - Lock the vision range to the current range.


MoveCamera - Move the camera to a new position, relative to another asset.


Pause - Wait for a set number of seconds
PauseLiveData - Prevent new live data from arriving.
Perspective - Move the camera to view an asset or set of assets
PinClear - Remove all pinned properties.
PinProperty - Pin a property
PointAt - Rotate an item to look at a specific object


RefreshVision - Update the currently active vision mode
ResumeLiveData - Allow live data to resume.
Remove - Remove an object from the scene.
RemoveBeacon - Remove a beacon from the scene.
RemoveImage - Remove an Image from the UI.
RemoveSubCamera - Remove a sub-camera by name.
RemoveLastSubCamera - Remove the last sub-camera added.
RunScript - Run a script from within a script.


SetProperty - Set an asset property instantly.
SetPosition - Set an asset position instantly.
SetValue - Set a hidden/developer property. Internal use only
ShowObject - Show an object hidden with HideObject.
ShowLevel - Show or hide a level in the environment.
ShowOnlyRelated - Remove all assets that aren't related to a given target
ShowRelationship - Show one relationship from a given asset
StartQuestionnaire - Start the questionnaire.


TextureMove - Make a texture animate
TourRelationship - Follow each of the assets along a relationship


UnFadeTag - Unfade any assets of a given type
UnFadeEverything - Unfade everything that has been faded out
UnFade - Make an invisible asset visible again
UnHighlight - Remove a highlight effect from an object in the scene.
UnlockRange - Allow the range to float to suit the camera content
UnPinProperty - Remove a pin.


ViewMedia - View an image or movie
VisionMode - Change the vision mode
VisionOption - Toggle visual options
VoiceOver - Play a voiceover or other audio file.


WaitForClick - Wait for the user to click the 'Next' button to proceed.