The AddOutput function is part of the model object.
It's used to add new outputs to your model.
model.AddOutput(Name,Lambda Expression,Dependencies)
Name: A string containing the human-readable name of this point. This name will appear everywhere the data point is published.
Lambda Expression: A Python Lambda-expression returning the calculated value of this output. This should include one or more references to other data points, such as inputs, constants and calculations.
Dependencies: This is a python list of each of the data points used in your Lambda Expression. Effectively, this is a list of points who's changes should cause the new output to re-calculate.
Tolerance: Optional - Defaults to 0.0001 The amount of change in the signal that will be allowed without causing recalculations on any parts of the model that use the value. This is used to filter out noisy signals and prevent pointless recalculation.