
The Email output module allows you to write a simple email message.

serverThe IP or DNS name of your SMTP server
port165Theport for your SMTP server
fromThe address to send the message from
toThe address to send the message to
passwordThe password for the SMTP server
subjectThe subject line of the email, with event substitutions
format%MThe content of the email message, with event substitutions
timezoneUTCThe timezone to write times in


		"type": "event",
		"method": "email",
		"server": "",
		"port": 465,
		"from": "myemailaddress",
		"to": "theiremailaddress",
		"password": "******",
		"subject": "An Event Happened"

The above example would send an email with the subject 'An Event Happened' and the content of the log message to 'theiremailaddress'.

Performance/Spam Warning

Like all of the announcement modules, this module may take some time to execute and will block the process in the mean-time.

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