import requests import xmltodict import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import traceback import time from dateutil import tz try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except ImportError: from urllib import urlencode class Context: def __init__(self): self.consolidator = 5336 self.submission = 2991 = "Actual" self.server = "" class Server: def __init__(self, srv, site='default', port=80): self.server = srv self.webport = port = site self.contexts = [] def Connect(self): url = 'http://' + self.server + '/s/' + + '/api/connect' resp = requests.get(url) # HTTP response code, e.g. 200. if resp.status_code == 200: #print 'XML Content: ' + buffer.getvalue() xml = xmltodict.parse(resp.text) for d in xml['ardi']['service']: #print 'Checking ' + d['@name'] if d['@name'] == 'data': prt = 5336 src = self.server try: prt = d['@port'] except: pass try: src = d['@host'] except: pass ctx = Context() ctx.consolidator= prt ctx.server = src = "Actual" self.contexts.append(ctx) return True else: ar.close() return False def GetConfiguration(self): url = 'http://' + self.server + ':' + str(self.port) + '/api/getconfiguration.php' resp = requests.get(url) # HTTP response code, e.g. 200. if resp.status_code == 200: #print buffer.getvalue() xml = xmltodict.parse(resp.text) rels = [] props = [] for ele in xml['config']['relations']['relationship']: rels.append({ 'name': ele['@name'], 'id': ele['@id'] }) for ele in xml['config']['properties']['property']: props.append({ 'name' : ele['@name'], 'type' : ele['@type'], 'id' : ele['@id'] }) else: return None ar.close() return [rels,props] def GetDataSourceInfo(self): url = 'http://' + self.server + ':' + str(self.port) + '/api/getdatasources.php' resp = requests.get(url) # HTTP response code, e.g. 200. if resp.status_code == 200: xml = xmltodict.parse(resp.text) drivers = [] dsources = [] for ele in xml['config']['drivers']['driver']: drivers.append({ 'name': ele['@name'], 'port': ele['@port'], 'code' : ele['@code'] }) for ele in xml['config']['datasources']['source']: dsources.append({ 'name' : ele['@name'], 'type' : ele['@type'], 'id' : ele['@id'], 'port' : ele['@port'] }) else: return None ar.close() return [drivers,dsources] def Endpoint(self): return 'http://' + self.server + ':' + str(self.webport) + "/s/" + class AQLQuery: def __init__(self,server): self.server = server def Execute(self,query): url = self.server.Endpoint() + "/api/aql/query" #print("Requesting: " + url + " / " + str(query)) req =,{ "query": query }) return req.json() #print("Content: " + str(content)) #return json.loads(content) def Execute_DF(self,query,namemap=None,serverzone=None,localzone=None,mapbad=None,mapna=None,autofill=False,pad=True): results = self.Execute(query) return self.HistoryToDataframe(query,namemap,mapbad,mapna,autofill,pad) def HistoryToDataframe(self,results,namemap=None,serverzone=None,localzone=None,mapbad=None,mapna=None,autofill=False,pad=True): indx = -1 frames = [] interp = [] for q in results['results']: if q['type'] == "pointlist": for r in q['value']: indx = indx + 1 #Build a Pandas series from each JSON result #Get the history from the JSON timeseries = None try: timeseries = r['history'] except: pass if timeseries is None: continue #print(str(r)) if r['type'] == 'MEASUREMENT': interp.append('cont') else: interp.append('discrete') #Build the channel name sname = r['name'] + " " + r['propname'] if namemap is not None: try: sname = namemap[indx] except: pass #Get the time index, using the passed timezone if available. if serverzone == None: dindex = pd.DatetimeIndex([i[0] for i in timeseries]) else: dindex = pd.DatetimeIndex([ConvertTZ(i[0],serverzone,localzone) for i in timeseries]) #Add this new series to the array try: if len(r['map']) > 0: pass frames.append(pd.DataFrame([cvInt(i[1]) for i in timeseries],columns=[sname],index=dindex)) except: frames.append(pd.DataFrame([cvFloat(i[1]) for i in timeseries],columns=[sname],index=dindex)) #Build up the final dataframe final = None #print(str(frames)) findex = -1 for n in frames: findex = findex + 1 #Some value substitution has to be done here, on a per-channel basis, due to the addition # of 'NaN' values during join operations #Map specific I/O values as 'bad' if mapbad is not None: for x in mapbad: if x[0] in n.columns: n = n.replace(x[1],np.nan) #Map bad values as a specific value if mapna is not None: for x in mapna: if x[0] in n.columns: if x[1] != 'hold' and x[1] != 'discrete' and x[1] != 'interp' and x[1] != 'cont': n.fillna(value=x[1],inplace=True) #Combine the series into a data frame if final is None: final = n.fillna(value=np.nan) else: n = n.fillna(value=np.nan) final = final.join(n,how='outer') final = final.groupby(level=0).mean() #print(str(final.columns)) #If no history was available, make up a dataframe from the point list data if final is None: return pointlistToDataFrame(results) #Eliminate duplicate indexes final = final.groupby(level=0).min() findex = -1 for col in final.columns: findex = findex + 1 if mapna is not None: for x in mapna: if x[0] == str(col): if x[1] == 'hold' or x[1] == 'discrete': final[col].fillna(method='bfill',inplace=True) final[col].fillna(method='ffill',inplace=True) else: if x[1] == 'interp' or x[1] == 'cont': final[col] = final[col].interpolate() final[col].fillna(method='bfill',inplace=True) final[col].fillna(method='ffill',inplace=True) if autofill == True: try: if interp[findex] == 'interp' or interp[findex] == 'cont': final[col] = final[col].interpolate() except: pass if autofill == True: final.fillna(method='ffill',inplace=True) final.fillna(method='bfill',inplace=True) #Pad the start and end dates into the frame if not available if report is not None and pad==True: si = final.index[0] ei = final.index[-1] rs = report.localstart.replace(tzinfo=None) re = report.localend.replace(tzinfo=None) if si != rs: #print("Need to pad start - " + str(si) + " vs " + str(rs)) cols = [] for cl in final.columns: cols.append(str(cl)) dindex = pd.DatetimeIndex([rs]) mod = pd.DataFrame([final.iloc[0].values],index=dindex,columns=cols) final = final.append(mod) final.sort_index(inplace=True) if ei != re: #print("Need to pad end - " + str(ei) + " vs " + str(re)) cols = [] for cl in final.columns: cols.append(str(cl)) dindex = pd.DatetimeIndex([re]) mod = pd.DataFrame([final.iloc[-1].values],index=dindex,columns=final.columns) final = final.append(mod) return final class Subscription: def __init__(self,core): self.core = core self.subscription = "" = [] self.cancelled = False self.codechange = False self.threaded = True self.callback = None self.context = None self.closed = False def AddCode(self,address): self.codechange = True def Connect(self): self.ThreadBody() def Disconnect(self): self.cancelled = True def Subscribe(self): self._call("subscribe") self.codechange = False if self.subscription != "": return True return False def SetCallback(self,call,cont): self.callback = call self.context = cont def Unsubscribe(self): self._call("unsubscribe") self.subscription = "" pass def Clear(self): if self.subscription != "": self.Unsubscribe() = [] def Update(self): if self.codechange == True: self.Unsubscribe() self.Subscribe() return self._call("update") pass def _call(self,function): if (len( == 0): time.sleep(1) return try: fullurl = self.core.server try: ps = fullurl.index(':') if ps > -1: fullurl = fullurl[0:ps] except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass try: ps = fullurl.index('/') if ps > -1: fullurl = fullurl[0:ps] except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass fullurl = "http://" + fullurl fullurl += ":" + self.core.contexts[0].consolidator fullurl += "/" + function #print("Making Remote Call: " + fullurl) anydata = False post_data = {} if function != "subscribe": post_data['id'] = self.subscription anydata = True if function == "subscribe": codelist = "" for itm in if codelist != "": codelist = codelist + "," codelist += itm anydata = True post_data['codes'] = codelist anydata = True if anydata == True: postfields = urlencode(post_data) try: if function == "subscribe": r =,data={'codes': codelist,'format': 'json' }, timeout=5) #print("Sending Codes: " + str({'codes': codelist,'format': 'json' })) else: r =,data={'id': self.subscription,'format': 'json' }, timeout=30) returned = {} js = {} try: js = r.json() except: if function != "subscribe": self._call("subscribe") return True self.subscription = js['id'] for itm in js['items']: cd = itm['code'] returned[cd] = itm['value'] if self.callback is not None: self.callback(returned,self.context) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.cancelled = True return False except: print("Failed To Send!") traceback.print_exc() return False return True except: traceback.print_exc() return False def ThreadBody(self): while self.cancelled == False: while self.subscription == "": if self.Subscribe() == False: try: time.sleep(5) except: self.cancelled = True if self.cancelled == True: break; else: break if self.cancelled == True: break; if self.Update(): #Call the callback function with our new data... #print("Updated!") time.sleep(1) pass else: #No new data arrived - immediately try again. time.sleep(0.5) pass class Channel: def __init__(self,session): self.filters = None self.type = "" self.code = "" self.value = None = {} self.session = session def SetValue(self,val): self.value = val def AsText(self): return str(self.value) def AsFloat(self): return float(self.value) def AsFull(self): return self.AsText() def __repr__(self): return self.AsText() class Session: def __init__(self,server): self.server = server self.rawchannels = [] self.channels = [] self.mapping = {} self.subscription = None self.callbackfunction = None #Add an individual channel by name and property def AddChannel(self,asset,prop): query = AQLQuery(self.server) js = query.Execute("'" + asset + "' ASSET '" + prop + "' PROPERTY VALUES") channels = self._getChannelsFromAQL(js) if len(channels) > 0: channel = channels[0] self.channels.append(channel) return channel else: return None def _getChannelsFromAQL(self,js): points = self._extractPointsFromAQL(js) return self._getChannelsForPoints(points) def _getChannelsForPoints(self,points): channels = [] for pnt in points: node = None chan = Channel(self) = pnt['name'] + " " + pnt['propname'] chan.value = pnt['value'] if pnt['type'] == 'MEASUREMENT': node = "measurement"["min"] = pnt['min']["max"] = pnt['max']["units"] = pnt['units'] if pnt['type'] == 'STATUS': node = "state" if pnt['type'] == 'LOOKUP': node = "text" if pnt['type'] == 'TEXT': node= "text" if pnt['type'] == 'ENUM': node = "value" if node is not None: chan.code = str(pnt['sourceid']) + ":" + str(pnt['propid']) + ":" + node channels.append(chan) return channels def _extractPointsFromAQL(self,dct): points = [] for reslist in dct['results']: if reslist['type'] != 'pointlist': continue for pnt in reslist['value']: points.append(pnt) return points def _dataupdates(self,updates,context): updated = [] #print("New Data Updates Arrived: " + str(updates)) for x in updates: try: #print("Searching For " + x + " in" + str(self.mapping)) for q in self.mapping[x]: q.SetValue(updates[x]) updated.append(q) except: traceback.print_exc() pass if len(updated) > 0: if self.callbackfunction != None: self.callbackfunction(updated) #Add multiple channels by AQL query def AddChannels(self,qry): query = AQLQuery(self.server) js = query.Execute(qry) channels = self._getChannelsFromAQL(js) response = [] for q in channels: self.channels.append(q) response.append(q) return response def Callback(self,func): self.callbackfunction = func def Start(self): self.subscription = Subscription(self.server) for n in self.channels: if n.code != "": #print("Subscribing To: " + n.code) self.subscription.AddCode(n.code) if n.code not in self.mapping: self.mapping[n.code] = [] self.mapping[n.code].append(n) self.subscription.SetCallback(self._dataupdates,None) self.subscription.Connect() return True