Legacy Report Settings

The legacy report settings format was for older versions of the addon - as the complexity of the system grew, a more modular format was required.

The report list addon will automatically convert a legacy settings.txt file to the new settings.json file, so no effort should be needed to update to the new version.

File Content

Site Name
Site Code
Server/Site URL
Email Domain
SMTP Server
SMTP Username
SMTP Password
SMTP From Address
SMTP Secure (0 - No SSL/TLS, 1 - Use SSL/TLS)


The Site Name is used when sending out emails and is optionally present in your report headings.

The Site Code is a shortened site name that is optionally present in your generated file names.

Timezone specifies the UTC offset of your reports.

Server/Site URL sets the URL that Python scripts should use to access the server. This is almost always something like localhost/s/default, or a suitable path to the site.

The later items are all to do with report email.

Email domain specifies what domain extension (ie. mycompany.com) your system can email data to.

SMTP Server specifies what email server the message should be sent to.

SMTP Port specifies the TCP port that the server is listening to.

SMTP Username and Password are used to set the username and password used to authenticate to the email server (if you are using a mail relay or unsecured server, these won't be required and can be left blank)

SMTP From Address is the email address that the server sends from. If blank, this is assumed to be the servername specified in your Server/Site URL, followed by your Email Domain.

SMTP Secure is simply a 1 (use SSL/TLS security) or a 0 (do not use SSL/TLS security).