Selector Autocomplete

If you're displaying a UI, you might want to help guide your users through entering a selector. If you add the ac property to your URL, you'll be given an additional suggestions property in your response.

If we had the incomplete selector Fini, and we sent it to the Selector API with the ac option turned on, our URL would look like this…


…and our response would look like this…

 {"suggestions":["Finish Section","Finish Oven","Finish Oven Zone 1","Finish Oven Zone 2"]}

This allows 3rd party applications to provide auto-complete functionality to help guide users through using ARDI selectors within their software.

Note that suggestions only appear when the selector is incomplete (meaning that no matches are found).

For an even better user experience, you can combine auto-completion with the options endpoint - called when your user has built a working selector - to let your users create complex selectors interactively.