
The Control FirstSite analytic goes through each of your ARDI properties and checks for any that include the word target in their name.

If found, it then searches the assets that use that property for a matching measurement.

The values are then compared to ensure that your system is controlling the measured value correctly.

Detail UI

The UI for sequence tests is explained here.

Property Naming

A single asset might have several different types of control, such as temperature, fan speed or gas flow. Your Target property needs to be named so that ARDI can tell what the matching property is.

Although FirstSite will try a number of different combinations of name when searching for your real measured value, we suggest adding 'Target' to the start of the media name.

For example, if you wanted to control the temperature of your ovens

Property Name
Temperature - Oven
Temperature - Target Oven

Control Tolerance/Span

FirstSite will assume that you want to control to within 1% of the range of your property. So for example if you were controlling a temperature that ranges from 0-250 degrees, it would tolerate up to 2.5 degrees of drift from the target.

You can override this by including a Drift, Tolerance or Span property on your asset (or even better, on the asset type). This should have the same naming as the Target property.

If required, this tolerance can be mapped to live data, allowing you to vary your control tolerances based on factors such as the product being produced, state of the machine or environmental conditions.

Property NameUse
Temperature - OvenThe actual measured value
Temperature - Target OvenThe target value
Temperature Tolerance - OvenThe amount of permitted drift

Note that the number given in the Tolerance/Span/Drift is the maximum difference to the target value. So with a tolerance of 5 and a target of 100, the actual temperature would be allowed to vary between 95 and 105 degrees.

Deployment Options

As well as running through FirstSite, your limit analytics can be deployed as a live alert.