ARDI FirstSite

FirstSite is an ARDI addon designed to produce simple status reports for your process.

It uses ARDIs property, asset and relationship information to automatically create a number of different analytics it can perform to check for a range of common issues and unexpected behaviours.

The majority of the analytics it creates are made with no user intervention - you can use FirstSite on a brand new ARDI database and get immediate feedback on the quality of your data and key performance indicators.

Types of Analytic

There are several different types of analytic that ARDI performs, from the extremely simple to the complex.

These include…

Data Quality
Sequence Patterns
Flow Patterns
Asset Data Shape

Using FirstSite

FirstSite is designed to require as little human interaction as possible.

Simply press the FirstSite button in the sidebar of your ARDI web portal.

You'll then be taken to the list of analytics and results.