Manual ARDI Database Installation

The automated installation script may fail if you already had MySQL installed on your system and had changed your password away from the default blank one.

To install an ARDI database, follow the steps below…

Step 1: Login to your ARDI Server

Make sure you are logged into your ARDI server, either directly or via a remote (ie. SSH) session.

Step 2: Start the MySQL client

Start mysql. In linux, you simply need to write 'mysql' in a terminal window. In Windows, you'll need to determine where it is installed before you can run it.

Step 3: Create the Database & User

Create a new database with the following command…

CREATE USER 'ardiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123qwe';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ardi.* TO 'ardiuser'@'localhost';

Step 4: Copy the Empty Database

Now we copy an 'empty' ARDI database in. To do this, type…

SOURCE /opt/ardi/web/sites/blankdb.sql

Where /opt/ardi/web/sites/blankdb.sql is the file name of the 'blankdb.sql' file included with your ARDI installation.


This should create a new ARDI database and have you up and running where manual DB installation is required.