
Measurements are a type of property.

They are usually used to represent an analogue (ie. not 1 or 0) signal coming in from the field, but can also be used to store almost any numeric value.

Measurements are an example of a complex property, in that the value is actually made up of several attributes:

MeasurementThe value of the measurement12
UnitsThe units that the measurements are inDeg C
MinThe minimum possible value0
MaxThe maximum possible value100
PointsThe number of decimal points in the result1

Display Options

Measurements also have display options that allow you to adjust how they look in ARDI-VE.

These are setup via the list of properties.

Range Type
FloatingFloating properties have a range of values which start at a set amount.
Zero-BasedZero-Based properties have a range of values which start from 0.
Zero-CenterZero-Center properties have a range from some negative value to the equal and opposite positive value, making 0 the exact center.
FixedFixed measurements can range from any two specified values. Fixed measurements also allow for the option of a colour scheme gradient that reflects the value of the property.


Any other specified attributes for the property will be listed here.

For example: The option to fade out all other assets not containing this property, when selected as a display mode.